Who thought taking three girls to Hannah Montana 3D movie would be a blast!!!! I have been avoiding movies for years. I only go to the ones that Jenna must see. Usually I just sit there picking up a few words here and there. So for the past 6 months post activation, I have been waiting for the right movie. Along comes Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus the best of both worlds. So with a lot of planning and me keeping my big mouth shut, we did it.
My partners in crime are two of the best gals that someone can have, Billie and Vanessa. Billie's daughter has danced with Jenna for 5 years. So for 5 years she has repeating just about 90% of what is going on, so I can know what is going on with dance and get there on time. We share the love of Starbucks and shopping. Our daughters are best friends and act like two peas in a pod. I mean how many gals will cut the wrapping off after CI surgery, when my husband was ready to faint? Now Vanessa is my other special education teacher at school and my car pool gal. We share a tiny portable with 2 other teachers, so it is really tiny! We laugh and she keeps me in stitches. We share the love of ordering Chinese on Friday and sweet tea in the morning. And after surgery kept me in chocolate pudding, fat free, for weeks. It was the only thing I could eat after CI surgery. Her daughter is Hannah, not the Montana one, just beautiful Hannah age 5. These gals are my lifeline. Come on how many put up with me. I drive them crazy!!!
We planned for at least a month. Finally got the tickets last week. 15 bucks a ticket! So all set for Saturday afternoon. Lets see - Billie told Kayla the night before, because she said why did you not get tickets. So she finally told her. I told Jenna an hour before we left. I lied through my teeth for a week. She turned to me and said,"Mom, you are a big fat lier." I took that as a complaiment. I finally, I mean finally did not say anything. Wow, I'm impressed, I might be able to keep hubby's Valentine gift a secret. Vanessa did not tell Hannah until we walked up to the movie. I'm so impressed!
Forgot to say it is in 3-D, those black rimmed glasses looked so good on three excited gals and the little gals.
The movie was oh so exciting. Guitar piks flying, guitars swinging, and confitti streaming. I felt like I was in the front row. Disney pulled off a shocker! Three little gals eating popcorn, drinking Dr. Pepper and singing "Best of Both Worlds!" Oh course I wanted them to stand and dance in the aslies, but one one would do it. Except for a few loud singing, they were just so sweet. It was a dream come true - to sit in the movies with my daughter and yes, mom can enjoy it too!
2 ticket to Hannah Montana - 34.00
Popcorn, drink and candy - 18.75
Enjoying a movie with my little gal and best friends - priceless, really priceless
So now from the silly files: I am coming up with a love/hate relationship with my CIs. I hate my hair, I seem to have bad hair days, really bad days since I cut my hair. The magnets keep me from pulling it up. I have decided to find a hair style that will work with my CIs. I am on a lifetime mission to find a hair cut that does not clash with my magnets exceptly since my magnets are bright red with CI hear on them :)
From the serious file: My hubby surprised me!!! Really did, I got an ipod touch. My very own. So now I can listen to my 45 songs over and over again. I got a new song - "Take the Long Way Home" by Supertramp( not related to someone I know who will remain nameless :))
From the Science files: Upcoming blog, Jenna's science fair experiment. The title "Which Magnets Stick to Mommy's Cochlear Implants?"
CI Moment - I heard the tornado sirens last night without anyone telling me. So we are safe and sound. Thank goodness for technology!
Lollipops and gumdrops,
Cute. That is so sweet. It is always nice to read your perspective on life. You are a very positive person and always help keep me from being too grumpy!! If that is possible. Can't wait for the next big thing. Maybe we will have to hit a live concert. Whatever it is it will be a blast with you. Love Ya, Ness
I really enjoy your writings!
What a wonderful "date"!
That's a terrific Science project that your daughter is doing. I know that some fridge magnets doesn't work, due to same poles, so sometimes won't stick.
I know paper clips, safety pins work on CI magnets, and implant magnet. Also, the CI magnet is different from implant magnet cuz of different poles..opposite attract!
Enjoy your iPod!!
If you like fast music, or rock ballads, beep me, and I'll send you over my play list. You can download them...legally or illegally..your choice. :-)
Did you try tightening the magnet when you put your hair up? When I put my hair up, I always tighten the magnet. My hair is quite long and VERY thick!
Sounds like you're having a great adventure with sounds! Going to movies and being able to hear the sounds is quite priceless, isn't?!
One of my friends actually has her hubby shave off the area around the magnet to give it a tighter hold and she pulls her hair up and separates the hair around the magnet site.
I might need to try that. I changed my hair thinking it would work, but of course it does not stay if my hair is pulled back. The magnet does not come down, but does not fit well with it pulled up.
The science fair project went great. The science fair is Tuesday so I hope she just enjoys it.
I"m dyiiiiiiiiing to find out the science project went here!
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