How did I get a CI make over. Judge for yourself.
This is after.
This is before
This is after.
This is before

How did I get a CI make over - judge for yourself.
I am new to this type of posting, so I hope you understand that I had to cut and paste it a number of times to get it right. I just hope you can see why my CIs may not be a "miracle", but they are darn better than my hearing aids ever could be. That is why I did it, for me, for my family, for my career, and most importantly for my child.
Wow...what a change. My daughter recently had an inner ear virus and had two tests from the audiologist. The difference was not quite as amazing as yours, but wow!~~
That looks great!! That is one sexy audiogram you got going there girly :)
thanks I think so too. Thank you for your help. I was ready to throw the computer out the window onto the ice.
THat's a huge difference, isn't it? My before/after audiograms were similar to that...definitely a huge change! I go for my next audiogram/speech test on the 29th...can't wait! :)
That is good. It shows a huge difference! My friend from the church told me the same thing that it helps him a lot after he got CI.
Pretty! Who does your ears :) ?!
What a great report. I know it's all about what you put into it, but -- holy cow -- this technology is pretty amazing, isn't it!
I go on the 19th for my 6 month check up and audiogram. The huge difference is in word and sentence recognition. I went from 1% and 17% per-surgery to in sentences 84% and 93%. It shows I am not just hearing the sounds, but understanding the words as well. And yes I put some much into this as well. It is important to me and important to the success.
Jen, why can't we get the same day check up. Our audie could do the check up together, same time and money.
That's fast for you....mine was at 110/120....rose to around 35 and 40's after one year of implantation.
Only hear environment sounds...no words.
Hearing aids were never any help all my life so I know I will probably never pick up a word.
Still I'm happy with the difference between CI and without hearing aid.
omit that word "without" on my recent comment, me bad.
You are an adult and you can make your own decision, while others may not have their own choice. I do support CI for those people who have their OWN voice to choose. Many babies or younger kids did not have their own chance to decide. That is why the huge difference between young children and adults. I am glad that I see a difference in yours but do you see that in younger kids?? My answer big NO because I have seen it myself.
I am former teacher and I have quit school system and politics. Because Medical doctors have gave many people THE false hope that they will regain their hearing, which is true. But did the doctors says that every CI implanted patients will understood the language? My answer is THE big NO. Why??? I have worked in school and worked with ignorant politics senators/representatives. They think it is wonderful to solve THE hearing impairment thing. But in reality it will never solve UNLESS the person who has developed the speech language already, which I do support the idea of CI for an adult or teenager who can make or choose or voice the decision, while I have seen a lot of many babies or younger kids who have no voices to choose. Those parents who made the decision for their babies and younger kids, which will led to emotion and behavior problems with identity crisis. The rarest success is if the parents who chose to have their babies or younger kids to have CI, which must have 200% commitment or 365 days a year to commitment the development of speech language. My question to these parents: Are you able to do that job to make a sacrifice from your career or family or life? From my past experience that parents invest a very low commitment because of medical doctors who gave them the false hope. That is why I have no passion for our government as it is our taxpayers that paying and wasting the money on CI.
to no,
My blog is not a forum for what you think is wrong with American society. I believe in support for families and support for children. I am a teacher and I do be in working with the system instead of against the system. If you believe strongly in your views, set up your own blog. My blog is positive, I don't support your comments.
That is fantastic!!!!! Looks like a pretty good audiogram to me :)
No passion for the american gov't,
You raise an interesting point but not a valid one for this post. For a doctor to promise that a CI will enable a person to receive all aspects of language is a huge malpractice suit waiting to happen. You would know this if you actually went through the candidacy process yourself. No one looks at the CI as the cure for hearing, it is just a tool like a hearing aid. Both tools require just as much time dedicated to learning the language.
This post is simply showing Tales obvious marked improvement before and after she received her cochlear implant. It has nothing to do with children being implanted or your grievances with the government. If you have such a big problem with the American government, my advice to you is move!
Unbelievable! That is a BIG difference! My CI friends who wore hearing aids until their teen years when they got their CI told me that they noticed dramatic differences in their hearing too. This is certainly an encouragement for people with little residual hearing and who wear hearing aids because they often fear that hearing through a technology stimulation will sound worse than hearing through hair cells with hearing aids.
Whoo wee! Great job on posting your audiogram! I posted mine. I have to wait until March 4th to do the sentences discriminations. Pretty awesome to see the big difference on yours!
Thank you all. I am so proud of my ears. The sound is amazing. I can't wait for the beep test on Tuesday as well.
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